[life instructions for courses without steroids] |
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Although Japanese dermatological authorities do not admit except standard therapies centered on topical steroids and taclolimus for atopic dermatitis(AD), not a small numbers of Japanese AD patients intend to avoid strong immunosuppressive agents like steroids or tacrolimus*. (*Other calcineurins like pimecrolimus have not approved in Japan.)
They and their supportive physicians call the intentions as "datu-suteroido(in Japanese)", meaning "escape from steroids", which in fact mostly indicates "escape from tacrolimus" at the same time.
How could we manage to keep up with the intentions under this difficult situation as minority?
The remark is as below:
I thought we sould live as above mentioned then, and now I think we should continue "escape from steroids" as above, too. *** 1) Don't be hasty,
We ought to know "escape from steroids" needs quite a long time.
The slowly reached balance will be originally steady;
If you anticipate a much shorter period to recover like
You would rather be in a neutral mind like
This disease AD is, i.e., your destiny. 2) Don't be angry,
I think misfortunes tend to make people store rage in them to vent their gloomy emotions.
If you'll be able to going to change the rage into some concrete plans for the improvement, or to certain energy for fighting against AD, then, there might be meanings they had them.
Now you may want to shout like
Do you want to be a person who spread rages around you and would be given a wide berth to? In fact, to solve ploblems, needed tools are not angers, but cool analyses of situations.
First, consider if the object you hate is completely bad or not.
Next, if the object is by no means good for you, try to avoid it.
At last, if you still judge the object should be blamed, then fight against it straight.
Certain people looks like expanding their anger within or around themselves. 3) Don't be boastful,
Although it's natural everybody want to think his desicion is not wrong, and it's natural everybody want to think he is precious,
Didn't you have such an experience that an recoverd AD paient self-righteously insist you to obey the same remedy he/she succeeded?
I can't understand why they need to make others wrong to make themselves right.
A patient who believe only he/she did proper to get cured is boastful, as well as a physician who believe only he/she treats patients properly. Even if you get what a wonderful cure by "escape from steroids",it would be better you won't become such a bothering pierrot.
Just silently go ahead through the way you believe. When you did good, just straightly be glad and be proud of yourself in your mind.
Please don't misunderstand that you are specially superior. 4) Don't be dejected, There is no need to be depressed or apathic even you are in bad result. Since "escape from steroids" means exactly giving up convenient and quite effective agents, it's natural the course will be hard.
Stopping the strong, possibly harmful drugs does not mean an instant cure of your AD.
So, you don't need to be discouraged.
The hope is left with you.
At present you are suffering, but someday, they all will become your good memories. 5) And don't be lazy.
The phrase "escape from steroids" itself means just stopping medicines.
Improving your daily life style, improving your environment, improving your foods, improving your mental condition, ... et cetera.
Most of them won't work at once.
The total of all things you do everyday will make up yourself in the future. ***
I think lives throughout hard "Escape from steroids" days in AD should be as above. 2008.06. to Top Page |